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Mind The Gap

Why you shouldn’t wait to replace missing teeth

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If the window to our soul is our eyes, the window to our overall health and confidence should be our teeth. The teeth are often one of the first things other people see and they serve a much bigger purpose than just a friendly smile.

Losing our teeth when we are children is a rite of passage and often celebrated with a gift from the tooth fairy. Losing a tooth as an adult however, is certainly not cause for celebration. Difficulty pronouncing the name of your favourite menu item and then not being able to chew it properly is just the beginning of your woes.

The short term consequences from losing a tooth are much more than just not being able to chew your food.  It can also affect your confidence, nutrition, strength of the remaining teeth, and cause movement of the remaining teeth to compensate for the gaps.

If left untreated, missing teeth will ultimately result in bone loss. Your jawbone will deteriorate from the lack of use from chewing, resulting in changes to your facial structure. If this is not enough to worry you, maybe the financial ramifications will. The longer you take to speak to your dentist about replacing your missing teeth, the more it will damage your hip pocket.

Dental implants are a perfect way to replace your missing teeth, creating a more natural end-result. The beauty of dental implants is they are individually implanted and do not affect adjacent teeth. Unsightly metal clasps or adhesive gel is not required as dental implants bond with your natural jawbone similar to the natural root system of your mouth.

Single Tooth Implant

Multiple Teeth Implants

Full Mouth Implants

When considering dental implants it is important to consider your options as there are different types of implants to choose from. From a single tooth to a whole mouthful of teeth can be implanted.

You will be painlessly in and out of the dentist chair quickly as the procedure uses local anaesthetic and usually sees patients returning to their normal routines the next day.

Dental implants have a high success rate however it is very important to follow all aftercare instructions from your dentist such as avoiding smoking and continuing to maintain your dental hygiene with daily brushing and flossing.

The friendly team at Paramount Dental Sydney can advise you of your options during an initial consultation and discuss your payment options.

Fill in the gaps with your smile and contact Paramount dental Sydney today.

* All surgical or invasive procedures carry risks. Before proceeding please seek professional opinion from appropriately qualified health practitioners.


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