Cracked, Broken & Dislodged Teeth
We Can Save your teeth today
Do I need to see a dentist about a cracked, broken or dislodged tooth?
Yes. Teeth that have been compromised physically will worsen over time and can result in further damage and additional complications. If you wait too long or ignore the problem you can develop infection which can spread to the roots of your teeth, your gums and your jaw. You may also develop damage to your nerve and blood vessels.
Getting in to be treated by a dentist will ensure you receive the best possible treatment and save your teeth from infection or even extraction.
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What are my treatment options for cracked, broken or dislodged teeth?
At Paramount Dental Sydney we will first examine you during an initial consultation and discuss with you your options for treatment. For cracked, broken or dislodged teeth this will usually require and x-ray before treatment.
Treatments will vary from simple bonding to repair cracks right up to surgically placed dental implants for dislodged teeth. Here are our most common treatment options:
Tooth colour-matched moulding to fill in cracks and breaks
Dental Bridge
A connecting attachment to join existing teeth with a crown
Placed over existing teeth to reform your teeth
A permanent implant of a custom designed tooth or teeth
Designed to fit over the surface of your teeth
Dental emergency tips for Cracked, Broken & Dislodged Teeth
Before coming to your dental appointment, here are some tips for helping best care for your teeth in a dental emergency: